Thank you. That's a very good question.
Today, we're focusing on the situation in Quebec and Canada. However, some countries, in particular the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands, which I mentioned earlier, have regimes that enable writers to live on their literary income. These countries also have a social safety net. In Quebec, there aren't any framework agreements with publishers, since publishers aren't required to negotiate with us. That said, this doesn't concern the Copyright Act. The lack of a social safety net is part of the issue faced by writers, since they don't have any protection. In other countries, writers not only have a good copyright regime, but they also have a social safety set. If you would like, we can send you more specific data in this regard.
When we talk about copyright, we're indeed talking about rights. It's ironic that we've needed to fight for these rights for a number of years, even though the goal of the Copyright Act was to protect the rights holders and authors.