If it's allocated by the Department of Finance, that's good news welcomed by everyone in the sector. With the exception of certain individuals who may have been less pleased, everyone was happy to see that assistance.
Everyone also acknowledges that the precarious situation in which our media now find themselves is related, in part, to undue benefits that major Internet players enjoy with regard to the sale of advertising. I'm talking about section 19 of the Income Tax Act, to which my colleague referred in connection with the admissibility of media advertising expenses. So I'm pleased to hear that.
Do you think any changes will be made soon, at least to the GST, about which I often have questions for you and your parliamentary secretary? The cultural sector is inclined to say that the first test is to avoid granting foreign players benefits in respect of the usual buyers of their cultural productions. I imagine you follow me.
Are you putting pressure on the Department of Finance or the Canada Revenue Agency to cancel the GST exemption granted to foreign suppliers? I'm obviously talking about Netflix. I'm not talking about Facebook, which says it will soon add GST to its advertising transactions. Google, however, remains GST-free.
Are you exercising any pressure on that subject? As you know, the sector is sensitive on this issue.