Do you mean the challenges of the disruption facing us, writ large, or with respect to copyright?
There are lots of issues, lots of disruptions, lots of different platforms, new ways of doing business and new challenges that we deal with every day, and we have to find ways.
One thing that Canadian producers have always been very good at is that we've never been like the American model, where you have a studio that funds 100%. I would argue that Netflix and those kinds of places are the new American studios because they fund fully, hire talent in Canada for a fee and take all the value out of the country.
The type of company that Shaftesbury is means we've developed our IP, and we've tried to find stories that are reflective of the experiences in Canada we want to tell. We're very proud Canadians. We love our Canadian stories, and we want to take those stories and sell them around the world. We want us in the middle of it. We monitor all this revenue. We're very driven to exploit it as widely as possible because it's good for us, and it's good for the people downstream because we share the revenue downstream, as opposed to letting somebody else take all the back-end value.