It's rare that I get to do this, but I'm going to answer the member next to me, and not the member across the way.
It's paramount that the committee be productive. I can tell you that's the mindset of my fellow member Ms. Jolibois. She clearly sees that an approach was taken to have this holiday reflect the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's recommendation. She wants to work constructively and move forward.
Everyone here should know that, aside from Liberal amendment 0.1, the current topic of conversation, Liberal amendments 1, 2, 3 and 4 have the support of Ms. Jolibois and the NDP, with some reservation. For example, we'd like to know how you plan to make this a significant day. What kind of funding will be allocated to it? Furthermore, how do you plan to implement the measure you're adding to my fellow member's bill?
On principle, I just checked and I've received official confirmation that you did indeed discuss the substance of Liberal amendments 1, 2, 3 and 4 with Ms. Jolibois. Liberal amendment 0.1, though, takes the cake. It's a bit much. I would like you to call her to explain and provide some context.
As for the rest, the committee should know that, in an effort to be constructive, Ms. Jolibois wants to see things move forward. Liberal amendment 0.1 suggests some overconfidence, I would say. It would be good if it were a small amendment. In fact, “amendment” isn't the right word. Let's just say that, out of courtesy, she should get a phone call or a message.