If you go to Île-à-la-Crosse and tell them they're a Cree community, they'll say, “No, we're a Métis community, but we speak Cree.” They used to speak Michif when I was younger. They spoke Michif in Île-à-la-Crosse. Even in La Loche they spoke Michif at that time, before your time.
The way I see it happening is that there will be a Michif language fund and Île-à-la-Crosse certainly will take advantage of it, because they teach Michif in the schools.
You called it Cree. That's fine; you can take it up with them—they're your constituents.
I would see Cree and Dene speakers and Saulteaux speakers within the Métis nation applying for those funds as well.
Basically, there is room for everyone. There's no point in denying your Métis ancestry because you speak a Cree language or a Dene language.