There are two pieces, Georgina. A very strategic lobby and advocacy effort by leadership in each of those provinces and territories is one. In fact, in this legislation, in clause 9, there is provision for relationships and partnerships with other levels of government. There are provisions for that. That would be my response.
As well, it really becomes incumbent upon chiefs and the leadership right across Canada to exert pressure on the policy-makers and legislative decision-makers not only nationally, but provincially as well. I used the example earlier on about how in Saskatchewan it's law to teach treaties in the classroom from kindergarten to grade 12. It's in the curricula. It's legislated; it's law. That came about through a very strategic lobby and advocacy effort.
So, there has to be action on two fronts. That's the way of addressing that. There is provision in here to make that happen in terms of partnerships and relationships with other levels of government.