I don't have specific documentation about the numbers, but I will give a general sense of the education system as it stands.
In a number of our 51 communities, Inuktut is the primary language of instruction between kindergarten and grade 4. It fluctuates in that in some communities there isn't that opportunity. In many communities it's K to grade 2 or maybe just kindergarten. My children, in Iqaluit, took Inuktitut as the first language of instruction in their education between kindergarten and grade 4.
There have been efforts for public governments to increase the number of Inuktut-speaking teachers through specific Bachelor of Education programs for Inuit within specific jurisdictions. This is all done on the margins. This is done not as a primary concern to get us to a language of instruction from K to 12 in Inuktut but to ensure that the small gains we have made over time continue to exist.