Do you mean do a five-minute thing?
I just wanted to check beforehand so that I can make sure I'm managing.
I will try to manage the time as best I can. I don't want to take any more time doing this, but yes, I'll try to end it by 5:15 if I can. Can we negotiate for 5:20? Okay.
Joining us today is Grand Chief Wilton Littlechild, who will be arriving shortly.
We also have Chief Gerald Antoine from the Liidlii Kue First Nation. Welcome, and welcome, Grand Chief Littlechild.
From the Cree Nation Government, we have Grand Chief Abel Bosum, Sarah Pashagumskum, Tina Petawabano and Dorothy Stewart. Thank you.
We also have Paul Joffe, lawyer. Welcome back, Mr. Joffe.
We're going to go in the order you appear on the agenda.
We will begin with Grand Chief Wilton Littlechild for eight minutes, please.