I know that a bunch of them have this “territorial” change. As a short form, would it be acceptable to everyone that when it's one of those that just adds “territories” or “territorial” that he just says “territories” or “territorial” and that's it? Okay? Thanks.
(Clause 10 as amended agreed to on division)
There are no proposed amendments to clause 11 that I've seen, so shall clause 11 carry?
(Clause 11 agreed to on division)
On clause 12, there are no amendments standing because NDP-10 was consequential to NDP-1, and that has been defeated. That means we can go straight to a vote.
(Clause 12 agreed to on division)
(On clause 13)
We now have LIB-6. If LIB-6 is adopted, LIB-6.1 cannot be moved due to a line conflict.
Mr. Hogg.