Thank you, Madam Chair.
At the last meeting, when we talked about travel, we agreed about all the cities that we would be visiting, tentatively. Options 1 and 2 were the ones we discussed. After revising this with the logistics officers, who are working with us, it seemed like we were going to Iqaluit first, in option 2.
Going to Iqaluit first saves us a lot of time. I will explain why. If we put Iqaluit in the middle of our trip, we have to plan backwards in adjusting for departure from, and arrival in, Iqaluit. With those two flights, we will have to work around this. If we do it first, logistically speaking, it will be much easier because we would leave on the Sunday, get there, arrange our meetings as we want, and leave afterwards. It doesn't have much effect on all the rest, as opposed to if it's in on Wednesday per se, when it would be really problematic. It could increase the costs of the airfare on top of that.