To your point earlier about fraud, the way we look at the things that can actually prevent and then allow the industry to respond to fraud is important. Consulting with the industry is important. If this is a thing for this committee in the long term, then let's sit down and figure out all the stakeholders we need to be talking about and let's have a big think. Everyone's talking about it, but no one has really nailed it yet—and there are many stakeholders. You will be talking to a very diverse group—I've seen the list—and everyone is bringing something really important to the table.
It's a great question. Our artists in this country are incredibly important to who we are as Canadians, and we need to be doing everything we possibly can to make sure that they can make a living and that our fans can be there to support them. There will be some question marks at the end of this process. One thing we can do together is to keep talking.