I must say that the Canada Council is an organization that is very well known across Canada, especially by artists. Just to give you a sense, one of the programs we are administering on top of the other six is the public lending right commission. It's 17,000 writers in Canada who get a grant from the Canada Council every year because their books are present in the library system.
We obviously use social media. We travel a lot across Canada. We partner with local arts councils, because there are arts councils in every province in Canada. Actually, all of them are here in Ottawa today, because they are at the Canada Council for training sessions.
We partner with local municipal arts councils and co-organize sessions with them most of the time, since we have more money. We organize town halls to meet people, explain the program and debate the philosophy. There's a huge outreach that did not exist before, because there was no new money, so there was no point. We were in a very defensive mode, and it was “No, no; there's no access to council.”
Now our responsibility is to get the money out the door and make sure it is in the hands of the artists, and this is how we do it.