As we are running out of time, I will ask my questions all at once and let you answer them one at a time.
With regard to advertising, is that also profitable? That should be the case, however, if it is not, what should we do to help you attract more clients?
Clearly, this model is advantageous. A community's advertising and the articles about it make up a newspaper. There is no reason why this chemistry would be negatively affected by advertising that is done elsewhere on the Internet.
Do you reach your sales targets with the current format and if you do not, why not?
In passing, I would like to thank Mr. Van Loan for being flexible and allowing this presentation to be given even though it is only in French.
I would also like to point out, with respect to your readers, the smooth transition that you mentioned. I think that you are pioneers, that you have set an example to be followed. I would like to tell you that my mother, who is 83 years old, bought herself an iPad. She went to Best Buy to get the training you provide. It's rather amusing. You have really managed to move your clients to the new platform. If, at 83, Canadians can make the transition, the future is promising.
Are your advertisers following you?