Thank you.
I can't imagine anyone openly promoting a sales tax advantage for American-made cars. Imagine if you could buy a Camry made in Ontario and a Camry made in Kentucky. They're identical cars. The only difference is that if you buy the one made in Kentucky, you don't pay sales tax, while if you buy the one made in Canada, you would pay a 15% sales tax. Which car do you think Canadians would buy? Obviously they'd buy the one made in Kentucky.
It's the exact same situation we have in the digital space. That's why we strongly believe the government should ensure taxation parity among all suppliers of digital goods in Canada by removing the competitive advantage currently enjoyed by foreign firms. This would bring Canada's regime in line with the EU, Norway, Japan, Korea, Australia, and New Zealand.
I know I'm running out of time, Madam Chair, so I will simply say that wireless services also connect all Canadians by allowing collective participation in society and contribute to our shared national identity. Let's make sure there is a fair and level playing field for Canadian providers of digital services in Canada.
Thank you. Merci.