We look at our eligibility criteria. We don't make a distinction between whether they have budgets of, say, $70,000 or $170,000 or $570,000. We're looking at whether they meet the core eligibility criteria and whether they are proposing a project that is in line with the program criteria and they have the capacity to deliver it. Beyond the core threshold below which they aren't eligible, we don't differentiate between the different sizes per se.
The question is, are they bringing forward a project that they have a reasonable expectation of completing? Have they secured the other sources of funding? Do they have clear results that are going to come from the project that are linked to the objectives of the program?
What the smallest organizations tend to access are the museums assistance program; Young Canada Works, for sure; occasionally grants from the movable cultural property program; very seldom the indemnification program; sometimes the strategic initiatives component of the Canada Cultural Investment Fund; and often the Cultural Spaces Fund. Those are the programs that I would say those organizations access.