In fact, it has increased due to the pressures mentioned above.
The proportion of public funding has decreased, while the proportion of earned revenue, corporate sponsorships, and foundation and private donations has increased. Museum workers spend an increasing proportion of their time identifying potential sources of funding and applying for project funds.
As for the Commonwealth Association of Museums, it is positioned to influence international heritage policy and practice and to contribute to Canada's positive global reputation in the museum sector. It is committed to help facilitate initiatives and changes within a global context that may result from this review of the state of museums. As an affiliated organization of the International Council of Museums, CAM participates in the advisory committee and votes at meetings of the general assembly. As an accredited commonwealth organization, CAM can send two official delegates to the commonwealth heads of government meetings and the Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers.
CAM is collaborating with ICOM CAMOC, Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities, on a new project about migration that will explore how to encourage the participation and inclusion of migrant populations in what Doug Saunders has called “arrival cities” and foster dialogue between diverse people and urban environments.