I think as we broke off, I had touched briefly on the tax system. I'm far from an expert on the tax system, so I'll let that one go. I see you have our written presentation. It's in there.
Let's talk a bit about the aid to publishers program. That program was originally designed by Canadian Heritage in co-operation with Canada Post to subsidize the distribution of paid weekly newspapers and Canadian magazines. That has since been modified, but it still applies only to those two groups.
It seems to me that if we could expand that program beyond the paid weeklies to the free weeklies.... The free weeklies are not of any less quality than the paid weeklies. They're often equal to or better than many of them.
It would require the government to top up the funding for that particular program. I think it's around $75 million today. That won't stretch very far if we expand the number of newspapers that would be eligible for the program.
That's one that I think we have to look at. It's already in existence. It seems to be kind of an obvious one because it's already there.