We're in the digital space so be it apps, be it website scalability, etc., as Peter spoke to, we can be found.
Google any Canadian place name and media and you'll find the local media, and then click through and go to that site. The challenge you might face in terms of immediacy and such is that the revenues available in a smaller community may not support that instant update and may not support having that digital space being equal to the experience you would get with print or that you would get with broadcast over the air or on TV.
Again, if we had more revenue, then we'd have more money to invest in that digital space and more money to increase the presence in that digital space. I think your example of La Presse was particularly compelling, because as a company, Gesca said, “We're in this space so we are going to completely reorganize our operations to be a digital operation.” They've been successful because they dove in with two feet, and you know, soon the Saturday La Presse will also be digital. Everything we hear from them says that it has been a positive experience and that they're able to raise the revenues to cover those expenses.