I know there has been a centralization of some of the bureaus and some of those papers. I can take up the particular concerns you raise, but I know this is what's been happening as you reduce reporting, and this is not going on just suddenly. This reduction has taken place over a 10-year period. Where in fact you might have been able to afford a reporter to go to Pefferlaw and to go to each one of those communities you mentioned and report on all those councils today, we aren't. We make decisions. What we do is we bring papers together, and we bring editorial content together. You're seeing this phenomenon unfold across the country where, in fact, if we had more reporters, we could have more local content. Now they bring it together and, you're right, you have Aurora in Pefferlaw or in Barrie simply because that's the most efficient way to do it and what our resources will allow.
I don't like it any better than you do.