Is there any other discussion on this motion, then?
(Motion negatived)
Thank you for your indulgence.
I just wanted to point out, too, that we have time today and we'll certainly make sure that we get two rounds of questions in here for our witnesses who have great detail to provide us today as well. I'm really pleased they're here. I want to welcome our witnesses, and we'll move right into it.
I will just explain, as my colleague Ms. Fry does when she is chairing, that we open up with 10 minutes for each of the groups of witnesses to present their statements, followed by rounds of questions. I believe we'll have seven-minute rounds, and we'll try to make sure we get two of those in today as well, even if we have to go a bit past 11 o'clock. We'll have time in the second group to do the same.
With that, I'd like to welcome all of you here.
I invite Mr. Honderich to make a presentation on behalf of Torstar Corporation.