Now I'll come back to Mr. Geist.
Thank you, Mr. Geist, for being here.
Obviously, you know your stuff. You have been a reference for many people who are observing or who are players in the market.
For many industry people, you are among those who have adopted the “if you can't beat them, join them” approach. The idea is that the system is coming, digitalization is coming, borders are crumbling, and so protectionism must be set aside.
As we have seen, this study has been of great interest to many people. That has been the case with industries because it has to do with jobs, and on our side, we have a market that is currently being overtaken by international companies. I would like to point out in passing that, since our last meeting, ADISQ has requested support so that it could deal with its current situation with streaming content. Rogers is basically turning to online activities and trying to get rid of Châtelaine and L'actualité, which are intended for markets that are less profitable for the company because those markets are smaller.