I would like to make two important points.
In Nova Scotia, for the past 10 years or more, it has been mandatory to have at least one female coach for girls' soccer. The province adopted this regulation at least 10 years ago. I don't know if that is the case in other provinces, but it is mandatory. This is quite impressive.
I spent 30 years in the education sector and this is the first time I have heard this. It is touching and it makes me a bit uncomfortable. As a school principal and superintendent of French-language schools in Nova Scotia, I should perhaps have tried to do more about girls who drop out of sports. I had heard that girls are six times more likely than boys to quit sports at the age of 13. That concerns me a great deal.
We need to take action very early with children, but we must focus on girls. We often hear about good role models. It would certainly be better if there were female coaches. That would encourage girls and women to continue their training.
My two girls played soccer at the provincial and national levels. Now they are teachers and soccer coaches, especially for girls' teams. In the past, girls did not play soccer at school, but now they play a great deal.
Can you comment on that? The question is open to everyone.