The BBC is also funded at nine times our level. What the BBC can undertake versus what we can undertake, even with an injection, is very, very different.
The CBC has always been an opinion. I would argue that Cross Country Checkup is an opinion show. I would argue that all of our point-of-view documentary is opinion. We used to have a show called Commentary, on which people read opinion over the radio. Opinion is not new for the CBC.
I think it's important, again, for the CBC to be the place where people have important conversations, including community conversations and national conversations.
It's not something that we pursue. As Neil Macdonald noted in one of his analysis columns, when he writes about indigenous issues, his readership is guaranteed to drop, but he doesn't stop writing about it. He's not in the click business; he's in the public broadcasting business.
Our focus on issues that matter and on the role of the public broadcaster is deeply, deeply important to us. Where we can be in those communities, we will be. We're absolutely committed to it. We don't want to lessen our participation in any local news initiative. We're not trying to compete with the private sector. That's not our motive. Our motive is always how to best service Canadians where they are. What are they asking us to do? What do they want from us? It's the Canadian response to our content that drives our agenda.