Sub-revenues are easy to identify. That is the price you pay to your cable provider to get RDI or CBC News Network, mainly. We have three or four other specialty channels, including the documentary channel and, in French, ARTV and Ici Explora. Those specialty channels you have to pay for, because, as I'm sure you know, you don't pay for the CBC feed that the cable provider delivers to you, nor do you pay for Radio-Canada, in the same way that you don't pay for CTV, TVA, or the other conventional broadcasters, which is an issue in itself. I'm sure that in the two minutes I have, I don't have time to go into this really important subject matter, which would be value for signal, so I'll stop there.
The other question was on the other income. In the other income, we have all sorts of rent dollars that we create by our own activities, such as in the Canadian Broadcasting Centre in Toronto, where we have actually leased a number of square feet. What we try to do is look within the assets that we are given and try to make them efficient and monetizable so that all of these dollars go back into creating Canadian content.