Girls are mean. We're harder on ourselves than any man's ever going to be on us. It's to address it across the board.
If we stop having men comment on our behinds and taking away and being dismissive of what we've accomplished because of how we look, we'll learn to stop picking at each other as well. More women like Mandy and me could speak up and say, “Talk to me about being an athlete”. I'm an athlete first when I'm competing; I'm a woman second. I've always said that, and I very much believe it.
It's a matter of getting into the schools and teaching girls that our self-esteem doesn't come from putting each other down. It's how we've been raised, and it's how the men around us have been raised as well. You knock somebody down to build yourself up, whether it's about gender or within gender. We talked about transgender. If it's different, we comment, and if we want to make ourselves feel better, we comment in a negative way.
It's to get at the ground root and build up—gender-wise or not.