First of all, Google News and Google Search are products that in many regards are just about that, about diversity.
Google News, for instance, when it was founded in the aftermath of 9/11, was created by one of our engineers whose objective was this: how can I get a sense of how people are talking and reporting about this incident, not just from a local news organization or a national news organization in the United States, but what are they saying in Jerusalem; what are they saying in Egypt; how can we find, again, more diverse points of view; how can we bring more knowledge and information from more sources into the mix?
That's really our driving mission with those products, and it continues to be. Again, our objective is how do we enable further innovation? I think we all do recognize, which is why we're here, that the world has changed. The ecosystem has changed. Our society has changed. News organizations, for that matter, also have to change to understand what kinds of products they need to build to serve their role as the fourth estate in democracies. It's not the same as it was 40 years ago.