I was listening to French and couldn't understand it. I caught the last part in English.
We've survived because we sold advertising 33 years ago. The other nine newspapers, when the program was cut, the native communications program, didn't run as a business model. They ran as a service model. They provided the news locally, so when the program was cut, they had no resources. We were selling advertising, and we've survived for the last 24 years.
Advertising has always been a struggle for us. We've managed to survive, but as advertising sales went down, we basically made do with what we got, and staff were trimmed. We converted to models that didn't.... To produce a paper, to print it, and to mail it cost us a quarter of a million dollars. Switching to digital saved those costs. Generations, readers, are changing. Like I said earlier, youth and a lot of people are going to mobile devices as opposed to hard copy, so we're trying to follow those trends.