Thank you.
I'd like to thank all of you very much for sharing the information you shared. It tells some nice stories. The keywords I've been interested in, of course, are “Canadian content” and “local content”, and you've explicitly spoken of these. I thank you very much for that.
I'd like to address my question to Mr. Lever from The Chronicle Herald. Of course, I'm from Nova Scotia, so I'm always concerned when we have a strike and have people out of work.
I'd like to know, based on the situation you've been living through—and I understand it's not easy and that there are two sides to every story—how do you feel about journalism? Also, because certain ones are on strike and the expertise is not at the table, are you able to deliver local and Canadian content as you would like?
We would like to have the Chronicle back as it was, so how do you see things unfolding? Can you expand on that, please?