In emphasizing the local news and paper, I think we must not lose sight of the fact that something has to be in writing to be verifiable in the long term. We've heard today the term “post-truth”. We've also heard the term “fake news”. You add to that sometimes sloppy newsgathering and sometimes even malicious newsgathering, and it needs to be verifiable in the long term. The only way to do that is to have it in writing, in print, as a permanent record. I have a 120 years of permanent record in my office of the happenings in my community. We can go back and verify just about anything that was ever said back to 1896.
I think it's very important to have that bedrock base for our news industry. We have to have advertising. The way of the subscription-based newspaper has gone pretty much the way of the dodo bird. It doesn't really exist very much anymore, at least not successfully. We have papers whose subscribers I know, and they're good friends of mine, and their subscription numbers are down by 50% or 60% from what they were a couple of years ago.