It has been an interesting time in the media business.
I live in a city where the anchors are in Toronto for local news, and I'm in western Canada. I have the full team out of Global Toronto telling me how it was today on 2nd Avenue in Saskatoon.
That, to me, is ridiculous. I'll never accept that.
Will the viewers accept it? The ratings have plummeted. The guys have to realize that local is where it's at, and local is the face. I don't care how many guys they have on the street in television. If you don't present in front of the television set from the city you're from, you're ratings are going to go zip. I just don't see where this industry is going, with someone in Toronto telling me what's going on in Saskatoon, in Kelowna, in Winnipeg, and in Regina. I get my national news, but my local news should be, underlined, local, and we're not seeing it in these four areas with the recent Global moves.
I just share that with you.