I've read lots about you in the last five years. You must be tired of this subject.
I'm going to quote Charlie Rose, if you don't mind. He said that if you don't have local news, you have nothing. He said you could go out and buy any show in North America, including Canada, but if you didn't have local news, you wouldn't have the local ratings and you wouldn't have the ads and the money coming in.
I thought I would share that with you, because it is the local newsrooms that have felt the wrath of the cuts we have seen coast to coast to coast in the last six or eight weeks in this country.
Who regulates the quality of television on each station? We've talked here today about the ads and the money, but who is actually going over it? Where I used to work, we had five and a half hours of local programming a day. Was it good? I'm not sure it was great quality, but it did fill black and it gave us five and a half hours of local Saskatoon or Saskatchewan quality. Who regulates this?
When I see, as you've heard me say before, someone in Toronto giving me the news in Saskatchewan, who's regulating the quality and the quantity of local news?