The CRTC and our chairman through his speech certainly indicated we share those concerns with respect to the importance of investigative journalism.
We're in a great period of transition at the CRTC and the media business. One of the constants in our business is that there is always a change and evolution.
We found there are a number of Canadians who do want to be fed 24 hours a day. We can't fight Canadians. This is what they want and they're looking for that. At the same time, the erosion is occurring, not so with the time that's spent viewing traditional television, but certainly with the revenues. Our colleagues previously...I won't get into too much from their presentation, but yes, the advertising dollars are being spread across a number of platforms.
What we're trying to do is encourage broadcasters to be on all platforms. You create that programming for today and you use the resources that you have today, but you have to spread them across and reach out to Canadians because Canadians are expecting that programming to be available on all platforms.
Money is difficult in that environment. We've all heard the expression “digital dimes and analog dollars“. They're losing analog dollars. They may find people on digital, but it's digital dimes they're picking up.
Sorry, Madam Fry.