I understand that there has been an important reinvestment, and we're really proud of that reinvestment.
But if I may answer your question in particular regarding what the CBC presented, the CBC is independent and can present what they want when it comes to their own point of view of what to do when possibly studying the scenario of going ad-free. They decided that it had a cost and they presented to the population what that cost would be.
Now it's up to my department to study their report, which was presented yesterday. We will do that when studying all the points of view, not only of CBC but also of different media outlets, journalists, groups, and various stakeholders. I won't prejudge anything at this point, because it's important that we look at and give attention to all the points of view of everybody who has participated in this important consultation.
This is the first time in 30 years that we will have done this, so I want to make sure that we do it well.