These are issues that have to do with confidentiality. I understand your caution, but certainly everyone is scratching their heads, wondering how it all works. The public will be pleased to know that we aren't sitting idly by situations that may seem unfair to average citizens.
This committee also heard people say that advertising purchases on these platforms remained expenses that could be used to benefit from the advertising deduction.
Companies that advertise in Canada condemn the fact that these international companies have many advantages. First, they don't collect taxes. They don't have to pay general fees, either, since they operate outside the country, don't have employees and don't have an office here. In addition, they don't provide support to communities or sponsor a soccer team, for instance. It's a series of fees that a corporate citizen ends up paying.
Furthermore, the advertising that is bought from these international companies is just as eligible for a deduction as advertising that is bought from a community newspaper.
Would it be possible to exclude advertising that would not be purchased from traditional advertising suppliers? The word “traditional” may not be appropriate here. Basically, I'm talking about companies that are located here and have employees.