It's been really hard; really hard. Last August we got to the point where I thought we were going to have to close. I had expected an investment that didn't come in, and I thought, okay, that's it. At that point, I got together with my advisory board, and they said, no, they did not want me to quit. They put in a little bit more money.
Mainly I turned at that point to writing a very heartfelt letter to our list of people. We have about 20,000 names on our list, and they came forward and began to subscribe. That provided us with the income we needed to get to where we are now, and we've had some more investment come in.
I have to say that in the years leading up to the U.S. election, I was always trying to explain to people why I thought journalism was so important. I don't have to explain that anymore. John Oliver explains it. Trevor Noah explains it. We see it. We all know it. So things have shifted a bit for us now.