Thank you.
It's good to see you both again.
We did bring up the sale of the National Post to the Sun, and the issue of all the editorial decisions being made in one room, but supposedly, were too different. We did talk about Bell and Astral, and so on. We've seen a lot of the bigger newspapers swallow up the medium or low ones in small cities, and then all of a sudden, when things are bad in that market, they just throw that away.
What are your thoughts on that and what you have seen? There is nobody lining up to do a newspaper in any city in this country right now. We've seen the charts here for the last year. There is no competition, because who the hell wants to buy a newspaper other than the National Post?
Do you want to buy one? No, nobody wants to buy them. It's a dying breed. Just look—every day, it doesn't matter if it's Guelph or Nanaimo or wherever, right? Eventually there will be no work for you because there'll be no newspapers. I'm serious on this.
As the Competition Bureau, have you changed the way you look at it? Do your guys go back every five years? What is the procedure if you do that?