Madam Dabrusin just talked about satire. I think of Sarah Palin being labelled as having said, as we all famously know, “I can see Canada from my house”. If you really know, it was never her who said that. That was Saturday Night Live's Tina Fey satirizing her, but most people think that's what she actually said.
That was well before the current controversies we're facing. In fact, I've pointed out that whether you're looking at the old tabloids or old newspapers that used to write from clear perspective.... Mr. Greenspon's Globe and Mail was constantly filled with stuff about Sir John A. Macdonald that was patently false, a lot of which is used as sources in our history books these days, because it was writing from a perspective
I'm of the view that because we're dealing with new technologies and new forms, the problems people point to about so-called fake news are problems of people adapting their media literacy. People are pretty good skeptics. I think historically they've been able to sort that out, getting the information. The challenge now is some people who, dealing with new technology, can't discern credible from non-credible sources.
I look at my own feed, and I was just looking through it now, and I went through about seven stories where someone corrected why that wasn't true or why that was satire or so on. People are picking that up and they're learning it from others. People are posting the alternate information, alternate facts, which has now become satire as well, but are giving the sources of information that prove why that story may not be true. People can assess.
What I enjoy hearing from you is the suggestion that part of what you're trying to do is focus a bit on encouraging the new media literacy. I think it will come on its own naturally, but anything done to encourage it is good.
What troubles me is the notion that you, I think, are viewed largely as a neutral infrastructure for information. Where do you cross over into becoming a controller of information and deciding, as editors, what is and isn't available? People are complaining from time to time that they get blocked and so on. I come down more on the side of freedom, and let the marketplace of ideas play itself out.