Thank you very much.
We may not be able to do a second round because the votes moved us forward. We have about three-quarters of an hour to deal with our second hour. I thought we would end this round.
Mr. Van Loan, stop looking so disappointed. We will have to end this hour.
I want to thank Google and Facebook for being here.
There is one thing I wanted to ask you, which is something that has always interested me. As you well know, for any other platform for communications, whether it's telephone, telecommunications, TV broadcasts, radio, or print news, including letters to the editor, etc., if these spread false messages, or if libel is spread by any of these platforms, they're liable under the Criminal Code. This is why you'll have editors at newspapers tell you that they need to check what is put into a letter before they put it in: because they're responsible.
The only platform that has not been deemed to be responsible in a real way for both of those things—false messages and libel—is the digital media. Your platform has not been moved into that. Is this something that you feel would help you ensure that the kind of “news aggregations” you're putting forward are subject to the same rigour that other platforms are subject to? Do you have a comment on any of that?