Thank you very much.
I would like to pose one question to you, if I may.
One of the things there was agreement on when you allowed the Sun and National Post to merge was not editorials, but it was that they wouldn't combine their newsrooms. Well, they have. I just thought you should know that in Canada today, 99 dailies exist. This has been a drop in the amount of dailies. Of those 99 dailies, 45 are owned by Postmedia.
If we talk about competition, where is that competition when they own the majority of dailies? You're getting the same information going out to people and that's one of the problems.
I want to quickly add one thing, and then maybe you can answer. We talked a little about Google and Facebook. They have moved into something new. They have become news aggregators, and therefore, they are in direct competition now with people who do the news—newspapers, television, or radio. They are in direct competition. We now see that 21% of Canadians rely on both Google and Facebook to get their news, and 29% rely on TV. That tells you that competition has been dampened. That tells you there's a monopoly going on in these news aggregators, and there are problems that come as a result of this.
Those are two questions about the not combining newsrooms. What happens if a group agrees with you, under your decision-making, that they shouldn't do certain things and then they ignore it and do it anyway? What do you do? What is your recourse? How do you move that forward?
I think that this has been anti-competition, when you close down.... When you are now responsible for almost half the number of dailies in this country, that is saying a great deal. There is no competition for news, or the one competition that's come about is Google and Facebook, who are in direct competition and becoming monopolies.
Perhaps you could answer that, and also let us know whether you think there's anything we could recommend to maybe broaden.... The fact that you wanted them to have separate newsrooms means that you were concerned about more than just money, more than just markets, more than just financial implications. You were concerned about the diversity of news. That was underlying what you said originally.
I just wonder how you would answer that. Thanks.