It's actually, as I explained in the presentation, our members who are raising the question to us. We don't pose the questions to them. They raise it from the branch level up. In the construct of the resolution, there are many paragraphs within that resolution that explain the bottom line, which would be their proposition. Their proposition, on the bottom line, would be to make Remembrance Day a statutory holiday. They will go through the many paragraphs that precede that proposition and explain what their position is. That's how the resolution process is done.
As it goes from the branch level up into the command level, the provincial command, it's debated there. Provincial command would then, if accepted, take that resolution up to us at the national level. At the national level we have delegates from all over the country representing all of the Legion branches if they send a delegate to the convention. Again, it's a very democratic process. The actual resolution is debated on the floor of the convention and a vote is taken whether to support or go against the resolution. In every case so far, they have not supported the actual resolution.