Mr. Demers, thank you.
I am reminded of Steve Jobs, who is now deceased, when I think about companies that started out small 10 years ago, only to keep growing in size. Mr. Jobs had the same approach. Thank you very much.
I will move on to a second question.
This is to my colleagues in research, Monica and Al.
Your research helps us understand some key issues. What I'm interested in is the solution.
You shared some information on three very important factors. One data fact is probably the most important thing: to allow government to redirect, restructure, and reposition itself to better meet the needs of all Canadians. Then, of course, there is enforcing—having a law or a process in place, and then making sure that it's being enforced. Then there is meeting your objective.
I guess my question now would be, if we were to put this together, what would be our steps as we move forward to get this done quickly?