I think the question came up in the idea of what we can do going forward. I mean, we're here now.
I think if I were a major shareholder in Bell, I'd be really upset at the notion that the commission could come in arbitrarily and say that Bell couldn't have half of those licences. On the other hand, we're in a position, as with other industries, where we fear that we have the “too big to fail” and “too big to be allowed to fail” syndrome, but now we also have the “we're not going to actually do what you say because we don't have to” attitude.
I don't want to sound any more hyperbolistic than my colleague Dwayne; it's just that the commission actually isn't prevented from having competitive licence renewal processes.
Suppose that you're in Ottawa and you thought you could do a better job. Maybe Al would like to start up a new company. Well, he's not going to get a new TV frequency, because they're so limited, but why couldn't he apply to use the frequency currently licensed to CJOH? It's called “competitive renewals”. The CRTC prohibited the idea in 1978. At that time, there were 60 or 70 TV owners. There was ample competition. We're now down to 17 owners. Is that sufficient competition to ensure that Parliament's objectives are met? Rather than arbitrarily taking people's licences away, why not introduce competition in the licensing process?