Yes. The motion is the following:
That the Committee invite the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to appear before the Committee within 45 days to discuss the efforts of the Corporation, by virtue of its mandate, to ensure the representation of First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and of francophones, and concerning the Corporation's activities in the context of the 150th anniversary of Canada.
I'm sure you all have it, anyway.
I think that this is very relevant. There was considerable controversy over this series. The CBC apologized. As you know, I am a staunch supporter of CBC/Radio-Canada. That said, we must be able to acknowledge that a mistake was made, and this one was shocking. Of course, it can be argued that the production company made mistakes, but it was still our public broadcaster that endorsed that series, bought its first episode, and then the second and the third, and felt that it was fine.
It is very relevant to ask the corporation's representatives to appear. I even think that it is an opportunity for CBC/Radio-Canada to provide explanations and make amends, for example, by saying that such mistakes will not happen in the future. It is clear that CBC/Radio-Canada has an important role to play, especially this year. So I think that it would be relevant to hear testimony from their representatives.