One of the issues with hate crime stats is.... Well, if you look at Statistics Canada, its source of information is police reports, so only hate crimes reported to police will show up in the Statistics Canada report. It's the same with the RCMP. As Ayesha just mentioned, many people will never file a report. Of course, we also repealed the provision under the Canadian Human Rights Act that deals with hate speech, so that's another source of information that is gone.
I think it's important for all ministries, all government departments, to have this culture of collecting data. It's not just about hate crime data; it's about collecting data in order to understand the impact of our policies and laws on different communities. You have the Statistics Canada data, which gives you the baseline: this is the population, where we are. In order to measure disproportionate impact, the government agencies themselves must collect data, so they can measure against the Statistics Canada data.