I think education does play a role in that, and a large portion of the old action plan around racism focused on education, so there's a piece there. Naming and taking a stand is critical. For us, naming things such as Islamophobia and anti-black racism and issues in the indigenous community, which we have been doing more of, is a critical piece, as well as not shying away from naming what people perceive as being somewhat difficult things to talk about, because the reality is that those things are happening to people. That plays a role in it. Education plays a role in it. But really, the teeth of it comes from the fact that this committee will consider that we have to start addressing systemic racism.
A lot of what we often talk about is individual racism—reporting hate crimes, individual...you know, somebody saying something to me in a coffee shop. The reality is that the bigger impact is from the systemic piece, the systemic racism that's happening that we don't name and we don't talk about.