I think what we're asking for here is consideration of creating an environment that invites experimentation, creating an environment that invites younger people and provides younger people with an opportunity to develop their craft and to develop perhaps new products that can be totally unanticipated. You're trying to seed a sphere of activity where we see right now that the old business model is failing, it's not working any longer. If you're trying to find a solution, you won't necessarily have one solution. You have to provide opportunity for many possibilities, and from those possibilities you learn certain lessons, and at the end of the day, you may come up with two, three, or four solutions. There's no one magic bullet.
Our concern is that, as we speak today, the quality of the journalistic efforts that are made in terms of being able to analyze issues at the provincial and municipal level that impact our community has dropped dramatically. The capacity to do that work in many areas no longer exists. The need is as important as it ever was. The exclusion of certain parts of our population is very dramatic, and we need to be able to work together to try to support a new kind of spirit of innovation in the whole area of media and in the entire area of the capacity that we now have through the Internet, through broadband communications.
We don't have a solution, but we're asking this committee to look at the potential for a solution for creating an environment that will allow us to engage our community in seeking out solutions in partnership with our neighbours.