That's right. Even honorary ones should be trumpeted wherever possible, although I know yours is the real deal.
I want to thank you for your balanced presentation.
By way of response to your suggestions as to how to deal with this report that we'll be developing on this motion going forward, I agree 100% with your suggestion that we use terms like “anti-Muslim bigotry” in place of the term “Islamophobia”.
In fact, my colleague David Anderson proposed a motion, which was voted on in the House of Commons 48 hours before the vote on M-103. It specifically recognized “the recent and senseless violent acts at a Quebec City mosque”, and it called on the House to “condemn all forms of systemic racism, religious intolerance, and discrimination of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious communities”.
I agree with your approach. Whether we're discussing other communities or just Muslims, I think that approach is the right one.
You're aware of the fact that Motion M-103 makes reference to petition e-411. Are you aware of that fact?