Thank you for not evading the question and for answering frankly. But I must admit that I'm a little surprised because the 150th anniversary won't be in 2016. The 150th anniversary will be celebrated next year, in 2017.
Having said that, so much the better, and I hope the delays won't be too long. I am constantly seeing that the government machine is missing many pieces because the pieces have been sold to avoid a deficit. I'm joking, but there's some truth to it.
I have another question for you.
You're an athlete, and you can imagine the determination required in your training, in your deeds and in your performance. Anyone remotely interested in sporting success was amazed to learn recently that Jean-Luc Brassard, chef de mission of the Canadian Olympic Committee for the Olympic Games in Rio, had resigned from his position. He criticized the COC's management of the case of former COC president Marcel Aubut, who is accused of sexual harassment. Mr. Brassard faced the storm with courage, in a conference room worthy of Star Trek.
Could you give us an update on the situation at the Canadian Olympic Committee? The COC is funded by private partnerships, but also receives a lot of public sector funding. There's also the whole aspect of national pride that the COC inspires. What's happening at the COC?