I don't think there's much that differentiates us. We face exactly the same challenges all these other museums face, and that is, how do you get people though the door? How do you get the attention from the media and the press for what you do? No matter what you spend on marketing, the number one way to get people through the door is word of mouth, as well as reports from the press. I think in that way we're no different from other museums.
What makes us different, of course, is our specialty area, but even with that specialty area, the fundamentals remain. What is our unique selling point? What's our brand? What's our messaging? How do you actually get people of different communities to come in? For us, our biggest challenge has been to define “communities”. When you look at a city as diverse as Toronto, there are so many different communities. Not only do you want to have an all-encompassing, all-embracing wider community, but there are target communities that are very important to us. Defining and nurturing those communities has been one of our biggest challenges, because it takes resources and it takes manpower. The will is there, but it takes time.