They do, indirectly. The foundation works closely with the museum. The Canadian Maritime Heritage Foundation provides an award annually. We've formed a partnership with Cunard on the Queen Mary 2. For the past three years they've brought the Queen Mary 2 into Halifax and they host a very wonderful luncheon on board, and provide a Cunard award to an individual who, like Samuel Cunard, who was a Haligonian, has the characteristics of pure entrepreneurship: vision, courage, and creativity.
The first award on the Queen Mary 2 three years ago was awarded to Jim or John Irving, one of the Irving brothers. They received it, and it was a partnership with the Maritime Museum and the foundation. This program was developed as a way for us to connect with the donor class. Unlike a university, for example, we can't hand out honorary degrees, but we can hand out this prestigious award.
We made a connection with Irving—